May-Spiers Gold Mines
May-Spiers Gold Mines had its beginnings in 1928 when Nelson Spiers and S. Sharkey obtained eight claims in the west end of Red Lake near Middle Bay. However, it was not until 1933 that exploration on the site began. After a small diamond drill program in early 1934, Spiers teamed up with Otto May to form the May-Spiers Gold Mining Syndicate. By June 1934, Spiers and May created May-Spiers Gold Mines Ltd.
Over the next two years the company constructed a surface infrastructure, conducted exploration and sank a three-compartment shaft. Development and work at May-Spiers Gold Mines ceased in 1937 when a fire ravaged the camp. May-Spiers Gold Mines liquidated in 1938. The property remained dormant until 1979 when the Dumont Nickel Company optioned the claims and did exploration. Hemlo Gold Mines (1996) and Goldcorp (2003/2004) also did testing on the claims.
Over the next two years the company constructed a surface infrastructure, conducted exploration and sank a three-compartment shaft. Development and work at May-Spiers Gold Mines ceased in 1937 when a fire ravaged the camp. May-Spiers Gold Mines liquidated in 1938. The property remained dormant until 1979 when the Dumont Nickel Company optioned the claims and did exploration. Hemlo Gold Mines (1996) and Goldcorp (2003/2004) also did testing on the claims.