Wild Berry + Garden Mint TeaJenna's Pink Brew |
A small dark berry ranging from violet to blue in color, blueberries begin life as small green buds and ripen into dark plump berries when ready to harvest. There are two types of blueberries found in the Red Lake area: low bush blueberries (berries grow in clusters) and velvet-leaf blueberries (berries are spaced out). Blueberries come into season from mid August to mid September depending on nightly temperatures. They prefer to grow in places that get a lot of sun and can grow in areas from barren and sandy to areas with lots of moss and deadwood. Blueberries also grow in abundance in the footsteps of wildfires. Parts You Can Use The berries (fresh, frozen or dried) The Leaves (dried) Health Benefits The berries: are low in calories but high in nutrients that have shown to help reduce DNA damage which can protect against aging and cancer. Blueberries have also been proven to help with brain function and improve memory. The leaves: can lower blood sugar levels to aid with diabetes. |
Velvet-leaf Blueberries
CRANBERRIES: HIGH AND LOW BUSHInformation There are two types of wild cranberries in our area: low bush cranberries (moss berries) that grow in mossy areas close to the ground; and high-bush cranberries (swamp berries) that grow on shrubs that prefer wet areas such as thickets and swamps. Wild cranberries are the last berries to come out and be harvested in our area and can often be used as a substitute for commercial cranberries. Parts You Can Use The berries (dried, frozen or fresh) Health Benefits Wild cranberries are high in vitamin C and can be used for fighting infections within the body. |
Highbush Cranberries
A berry in small red clusters that grow on prickly bushes, raspberries love growing in sandy areas and can be often found boarding bush roads here in Red Lake. A mid summer berry, raspberries can be harvested in early July right until the beginning of August. Parts You Can Use The berries: dried, frozen or fresh The leaves: dried Health Benefits Raspberries are an anti-inflammatory and are often used in Woman's Tea Blends. Raspberry leaves are often dried to make herbal teas and are used for relieving both stomach aches and cramps. |
Wild Raspberry
Wild strawberries are very similar to cultivated strawberry only producing smaller flowers and fruit.Wild strawberries are sweeter then their commercial counterparts and can be found in sunny open areas with good irrigation. Strawberries come into season at the end of June (depending on season temperature and rain fall) or early July. Parts You Can Use The berries: dried, frozen or fresh The leaves: dried The roots: dried Health Benefits The berries are said to protect the heart and lower blood pressure; strawberries are the most nutritious when eaten fresh. The leaves, when dried and made into tea, can be used to strengthen gums and clear the gut. It was also believed that dried strawberry roots and yarrow when brewed into a cold tea could cure madness. |
Wild StrawBerry
wILD Edibles
Labrador TeaNorthwestern Ontario has a vast abundance of Bog Labrador Tea. This variety of Labrador tea can be found in wet or boggy areas and can be harvested throughout the summer and into the fall.
Bog Labrador tea has a subtle fresh and earthy flavor and is best used as a base for tea making. It is considered a medicinal herb and can be used for soar throats, congestion and other cold like symptoms Parts You Can Use The leaves: dried |
Bog Labrador |
Pineapple weedA small herb that grows from sandy areas to the backyard pineapple weed is often considered a weed to the average person. However, pineapple weed or wild chamomile is a herb that can be used as a normal chamomile substitute and can be harvested at anytime through the summer and into the fall.
Pineapple Weed has a distinct chamomile taste with the subtle under tones of pineapple. When harvested rinse well to remove any toxins that might have been sprayed on them and avoid plants found in parks or on walking trails were pesticides are sprayed. Parts You Can Use The flowers: dried or fresh |
Pineapple Weed |
Wild RoseVarying in colour, wild roses flower across Northwestern Ontario and thrive in shaded wooded areas. Wild roses tend to bloom and flower in June and July and grow the dark red berry-like rose hips in August and September, both are excellent for making wild teas.
In teas the petals and often young buds of roses and other wild flowers are used to create both a subtle floral aroma and taste. Rose hips have a stronger earthy flavor with an after bite that gives a stronger body to teas Parts You Can Use The flowers: (petals and buds) dried Rose Hips: fresh or dried |
Wild Rose |
Garden Herbs
BergamontAlso called Beebalm because the large purple flowers are a magnet for bees, Bergamont has a rich floral and full bodied flavor that is often used in commercial teas. Both the leaves and flowers can be used and the plant can flower anytime from June to September. The flowers when steeped in hot water for long periods can dye teas a deep pink.
Parts You Can Use The leaves: fresh The flower: fresh |
Local Bee Balm |
LavenderA popular ingredient in most commercial teas lavender is known to be used as a sleep aid or calming agent and is often seen as as key ingredients in sleepy time teas.
Lavender has a unique floral taste that can become overpowering if too much is added, it is paired well with subtle and earthy flavors. Parts You Can Use The leaves: dried or fresh The flowers: dried or fresh |
French Lavender |
LEMON VERBENALemon verbena is a garden herb that gets it's name from the distinct lemon smell it gives off when the leaves are rubbed. In teas lemon verbena has a distinctly fresh citrus taste and is often used to counteract flu like symptoms. It is best used freshly picked.
Parts You Can Use The leaves: dried or fresh |
Lemon verbena |
Lime BalmLime balm gets it's name from the distinct lime smell it gives off when the leaves are rubbed or torn. Lime balm has a subtle lime flavor and is best paired with mint or pineapple weed for a fresh summer taste. Lime balm in teas is often used as a digestive aid and is best to drink after a heavy meal. It is best used when freshly picked.
Parts You Can Use The leaves: dried or fresh |
Lime balm |
How to create
Dark Wild rose Blend
Black Teas:
Herbal Teas:
Medicinal Teas:
Sleepy Time
A delicate blend perfect for bed time. best served warm.
1) torn mint leaves (fresh)
2) torn lemon verbena (fresh)
3) 1 tsp lavender (dried or fresh)
4)Add 1 cup hot water; let steep 5 minuets
5) mix in a 1/2 tsps of honey
A delicate blend perfect for bed time. best served warm.
1) torn mint leaves (fresh)
2) torn lemon verbena (fresh)
3) 1 tsp lavender (dried or fresh)
4)Add 1 cup hot water; let steep 5 minuets
5) mix in a 1/2 tsps of honey
Cold Fighter Green Tea
A warm tea perfect for helping with cold and flu like symptoms. Best served warm
1) 1 tbsp labrador tea (dried)
2) 1 tbsp raspberry leaves (dried)
3) 1 tsp moss berries (dried or fresh)
4)torn mint or lime balm (fresh)
5)Add 1 cup hot water; let steep 5 minuets
6) mix 1 1/2 tsps of honey
A warm tea perfect for helping with cold and flu like symptoms. Best served warm
1) 1 tbsp labrador tea (dried)
2) 1 tbsp raspberry leaves (dried)
3) 1 tsp moss berries (dried or fresh)
4)torn mint or lime balm (fresh)
5)Add 1 cup hot water; let steep 5 minuets
6) mix 1 1/2 tsps of honey
After Dinner Indulgence
A simple tea to counteract stomach aches and aid with digestion after a too large meal. Best served warm.
1) torn mint leaves
2)add 1 cup hot water; steep for 5 minutes
3) 1 tsp honey