Support the Heritage Centre
The RLRHC is a non-profit organization that thrives largely in part to the generous contributions of its donors. Discover all the ways that you can help support us!
Become a MemberWe offer a variety of annual and lifetime memberships at individual, couple, and family rates...
Join our Donor WallSince 2004, families, individuals and businesses have purchased ceramic tiles as part of our Donor Wall Project...
2017 Red Lake Reunion held in Winnipeg |
Make a donationThe Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre is always seeking help to expand programs, events and exhibits. In order to do so we need your support. One gift can make a difference. You can donate by contacting us directly by phone, email or in person.
In the past few years donations have allowed the Heritage Centre to move ahead with projects. Donors include, but aren't limited to:
- Goldcorp (Movie Nights) - Red Lake Trappers Council (Animal Tracks) - Red Lake Reunion - Branstone Financial Strategies - Red Lake Francophone Association - FedNor - Science North - NOHFC - St. Johns River Society |