While underground miner is the most commonly thought of a career in mining, the industry has over a hundred different career paths. From hoistman to mill manager to community relations officers, every position is imperative for a successful mine.
Early on, only a few mining jobs required extensive post-secondary training. The majority of the positions were trades that required apprenticeships or on the job training. The mine was a hands-on learning environment, with new employees (especially miners) learning the needed skills from a more experienced worker. The Red Lake mines also hired high school students during the summer to help with general labour and miscellaneous tasks around the mine. Miner's children often filled the summer positions, which served as an introduction to the mining industry. Many of the miners featured in the videos throughout the exhibition started out working these summer jobs.
As the mining industry changed and technology and practices advanced, the mines provided more training employees. Today, almost all of the positions in the mining industry require some external education. Examples include university or college degrees or specialized programs like Red Lake Gold Mines’ Stope School.
Early on, only a few mining jobs required extensive post-secondary training. The majority of the positions were trades that required apprenticeships or on the job training. The mine was a hands-on learning environment, with new employees (especially miners) learning the needed skills from a more experienced worker. The Red Lake mines also hired high school students during the summer to help with general labour and miscellaneous tasks around the mine. Miner's children often filled the summer positions, which served as an introduction to the mining industry. Many of the miners featured in the videos throughout the exhibition started out working these summer jobs.
As the mining industry changed and technology and practices advanced, the mines provided more training employees. Today, almost all of the positions in the mining industry require some external education. Examples include university or college degrees or specialized programs like Red Lake Gold Mines’ Stope School.
Listed below are some common departments/divisions and occupations in the mining industry.
Underground (equipment operators)
From the File Room...
Historic Red Lake Mining
Red Lake Geology
The Red Lake Gold Rushes
From Hudson to Headframe
Community Development
Mining Practices
Going Underground
The Mill Process
Refuge Station
Mine Rescue
Health Issues
Contemporary Red Lake Mining
Indigenous Rights
Gold Prices
Mining and Exploration Companies
Goldcorp Inc.
Rubicon Minerals
Premier Gold Mines
Pure Gold Mining
Rimini Exploration & Consulting
Other Mining & Exploration Companies